tisdag 13 september 2016

Vad jag behövde läsa just idag

"What I lacked in experience and reputation and talent, I made up for by simply deciding to show up and get started.

I know there is a good you want to accomplish in this world. There is a positive influence you desire to create, grow, or harness. That being the case, never underestimate the importance of just showing up.
Do you desire to align your career with your passion? Start slowly.
Do you want to change the world? Become the change you desire to see.
Just become available. The experience will come. The talent will grow. And the opportunities will increase.

But first, you need to show up.

Källa: http://www.becomingminimalist.com/show/

Det finns så mycket sanning och inspiration i dessa ord. Ingen är färdig när man börjar, ingen som inte börjar kommer fram. Var inte rädd för att vara nybörjare. Ta ett första steg och lita på vägen. 

Ha en fin tisdag!

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